Friday, August 10, 2018

Facebook map fixed!

The world check in map on Facebook is finally fixed, but what was the reason?

For that I don't have an answer since I did not receive any message that it was solved. I just tested it by coincidence and it worked again.

Back in May after tests with several browsers I came to the conclusion to send my issue to the Facebook Help Center, after I noticed that it did not work for weeks.

But what ever it was: I'm glad it's finally fixed and that I can look at it again from time to time.

So it took three months, what's your experience about that situation?

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Pokémon GO 0.111.3.: The hunt continues!

With a better phone and the ongoing summer I got myself going again on the hunt for Pokémon!

Next entry on my Pokémon GO diary - or better 'once in a while blog'.

With the current summer and a better phone I found the motivation to go on the hunt again and I heard from other players that they are still active.

Plus, I still have so many Pokémon eggs from several places around the world such as Las Vegas, New Zealand or Canary Islands. So I decided to incubate all of them now by going for a walk or several runs by bicycle (I know, not really recommended, but it's in the countryside, so...^^).

So by running around and catching various Pokémon from the Kanto, Johto and Hoenn region I could increase my level from 11 to 16. Still not much, but alright for a casual player.

I won battles at the gym now a few times and also got some PokéDollars (I think that's how the currency is called), so let's see what I do with that.

Looking at my PokéDex there's still a lot to find. Out of the currently available 375 Pokémon I only caught 92 and saw 136 of them! So the hunt will continue!