Monday, September 11, 2017

Top 5 excuses: How to tell that you cannot solve the issue

Being in IT support you often end up sending tickets to other groups if the issue goes beyond your responsibilities and/or your permissions. And it unfortunately happens that you get the ticket back with an excuse...

5: 'Login on another computer'
If the basic troubleshooting goes nowhere (uninstalling software, clearing software profile like for MS Office software, repair mode,...) you need get the suggestion to check it with a login from another colleagues computer...

4: 'Please create a new profile'
If it works, it could make sense to recreate the Windows profile on the involved computer. The issue could disappear if it's caused by something wrong in your profile. 

3: 'Please explain the user he has to reinstall (Zero Touch Installation)'
This is the solution if the actual solution is either to tough or tedious to find. Unfortunately the bigger the company or the IT environment is the less affordable is it to spend hours and hours of attempting to find a solution. 

From the view of a technician it's kind of frustrating for not being able or allowed to investigate for a proper solution. Instead of that you`re are just telling the user that`s a quicker and safer to reinstall.

2: 'Please send it to a group who can solve the issue'
That one is actually really funny. The group which received a ticket where they are expected to be responsible for sent the ticket back telling to send it to a group who can solve it.

It´s a really amusing way to tell that you are no idea yourself. But on the other hand you can sure put the whole structure in questions since now it can take a while for a ticket to end up at the correct team... (=> 'ping pong ticket').

1: 'Out of scope'

That's basically the same than the previous one, except this sounds more professional saying something like 'We are not responsible for this (and we don`t know who is...)'.

Personally, such big companies with big structures cause this kind of ticket handling and solving of issues. Sometimes it's probably better to have a smaller environment to overlook where you can handle stuff right away instead of looking for who is responsible or avoiding further investigation...

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