Sunday, December 6, 2015

Windows Updates not working after malware cleanup

A Windows 7 computer was infected with some viruses, malware etc. and after a successful cleaning procedure there remained one visible problem: Windows Update is not working anymore.

While trying to search for further updates the following message appeared:

Windows Update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running.

But the service is definitely running. To fix this the following steps need to be done:

1. Open services.msc (or go to computer management) to stop the Windows Update service.

2. Go to C:\Windows and rename the folder "SoftwareDistribution" to something like "SoftwareDistribution_old".

3. Restart the Windows Update service and restart the computer. The folder will be recreated.

4. Go to Windows Update again and search for updates. This time you're offered to install "New Windows Update software". Confirm it.

5. Following that the search for updates seems endless only to end up with error messages like these two: 0x80072EE2 or 0x8007000E. It won't continue.

And there they are...
6. So now go to Internet Explorer to the options and reset the settings and cache completely. Restart your computer and all of a sudden the updates will appear.

Anyway: After such virus problems there can be several other things damaged in the operating system. The safest and most recommended way would be to save the data and reinstall the OS. This is just a quick fix to get Windows Update working again.

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