Sunday, October 20, 2019

Me and Programming - It hasn't clicked yet

Despite working in IT jobs for years it was never really required for me to code and program something myself. However, it still feels like unfinished business for me...

Let's go a bit back in time, around a decade ago in the late 2000s I was working in IT administration while doing my apprenticeship. As part of the program I went to school like once or twice a week and programming was also a subject. Some C#, Visual Basic, HTML and php, but that was pretty much it. 

I remember wasn't that bad, I even tried playing around in my free time and got too often stuck with error codes leading my code into a dead end as I couldn't figure out what's wrong. Now I would say that I definitely needed more time to dive in and understand why certain things don't work.

I always had an interest in creating things, be it drawing, writing, creating videos... However creating software I only did to a small degree as mentioned before. Maybe creating a little calculator. I even had a book about C# which would lead ultimate lead to the creation of your own Space Invaders game in the final chapter. I never got that far. I don't know, maybe I couldn't find a way yet making me like the way coding works.

During the past few weeks other people told me (without me asking) about their personal ambitions towards coding, some more realistic, some less. One guy thinks about getting into it for financial reasons, as it gives you plenty of jobs nowadays. Another one intends to completely change his field (he is a chef now) as his live-long dream is going into the game industry. However he is hasn't written a single line of code up until now, so it's quite over-ambitious I'd say.

In my view you need to live to code, put full dedication into it. Like another guy who started in his late 20s to get a university degree in that field. He describes programming as "solving problems" and that's exactly what it is. If you like to find a way out of a dead end, that's probably exactly your thing.

After all these conversation I thought like, ok, maybe I should give it a shot again. I started creating some really simple Excel macros in Visual Basic. However the functions I tried where not really something I could use for work. So I looked at other codes and got simply overwhelmed by its complexity.

I don't wanna be an expert, just wanna do some occasional things for fun. So I wonder which path I should pursue here... I feel like I should know more than I do.