After a few tests with different USB ports and another reboot failed to solve this issue I thought:
'The last reinstallation of this Windows 7 PC was at the beginning of last year and I already should have done it weeks ago. So let's do this first and the problem might be solved in the same step.'
Interestingly, I was right, but only for like thirty seconds. The same issue occured once again and didn't disappear. Maybe I should explain more detailed what happened:
The WiFi signal was always perfect as it should be. But every connection attempt failed - it didn't make a difference when I used the TP Link configuration tool.
But the WiFi stick was still fine as I tested with an Windows 8.1 laptop. So I installed an extra USB port on the mainboard and the issue still remained. The firmware hasn't been updated for a longer time - so that's not it...
Finally I decided to change the WiFi encryption on the router from WPA with TKIP (which I used for testing reasons) to WPA2 with CCMP.
And then all of the sudden: Issue solved! I deleted the old WiFi settings in Windows, reconnect with the WiFi, typed in the PSK and it was working.
But that was only for a day and it happened again. After checking the event log it couldn't have been much simpler: Several hard disk failures!
So I installed Windows on another hard disk again and these problems didn't occur another time.